
news/2024/7/11 1:31:41 标签: YOLO



pip install grad-cam


# 循环10次,将i的值从0到9
for i in $(seq 0 13)
    echo "Running iteration $i";
    python yolov8_heatmap.py $i;


import warnings
import torch, yaml, cv2, os, shutil
import numpy as np
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tqdm import trange
from PIL import Image
from ultralytics.nn.tasks import DetectionModel as Model
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.torch_utils import intersect_dicts
# from ultralytics.yolo.data.augment import LetterBox
from ultralytics.yolo.utils.ops import xywh2xyxy
from pytorch_grad_cam import GradCAMPlusPlus, GradCAM, XGradCAM
from pytorch_grad_cam.utils.image import show_cam_on_image
from pytorch_grad_cam.activations_and_gradients import ActivationsAndGradients

def letterbox(im, new_shape=(640, 640), color=(114, 114, 114), auto=True, scaleFill=False, scaleup=True, stride=32):
    # Resize and pad image while meeting stride-multiple constraints
    shape = im.shape[:2]  # current shape [height, width]
    if isinstance(new_shape, int):
        new_shape = (new_shape, new_shape)

    # Scale ratio (new / old)
    r = min(new_shape[0] / shape[0], new_shape[1] / shape[1])
    if not scaleup:  # only scale down, do not scale up (for better val mAP)
        r = min(r, 1.0)

    # Compute padding
    ratio = r, r  # width, height ratios
    new_unpad = int(round(shape[1] * r)), int(round(shape[0] * r))
    dw, dh = new_shape[1] - new_unpad[0], new_shape[0] - new_unpad[1]  # wh padding
    if auto:  # minimum rectangle
        dw, dh = np.mod(dw, stride), np.mod(dh, stride)  # wh padding
    elif scaleFill:  # stretch
        dw, dh = 0.0, 0.0
        new_unpad = (new_shape[1], new_shape[0])
        ratio = new_shape[1] / shape[1], new_shape[0] / shape[0]  # width, height ratios

    dw /= 2  # divide padding into 2 sides
    dh /= 2

    if shape[::-1] != new_unpad:  # resize
        im = cv2.resize(im, new_unpad, interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
    top, bottom = int(round(dh - 0.1)), int(round(dh + 0.1))
    left, right = int(round(dw - 0.1)), int(round(dw + 0.1))
    im = cv2.copyMakeBorder(im, top, bottom, left, right, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=color)  # add border
    return im, ratio, (dw, dh)

class yolov8_heatmap:
    def __init__(self, weight, cfg, device, method, layer, backward_type, conf_threshold, ratio):
        device = torch.device(device)
        ckpt = torch.load(weight)
        model_names = ckpt['model'].names
        csd = ckpt['model'].float().state_dict()  # checkpoint state_dict as FP32
        model = Model(cfg, ch=3, nc=len(model_names)).to(device)
        csd = intersect_dicts(csd, model.state_dict(), exclude=['anchor'])  # intersect
        model.load_state_dict(csd, strict=False)  # load
        print(f'Transferred {len(csd)}/{len(model.state_dict())} items')
        target_layers = [eval(layer)]
        method = eval(method)

        colors = np.random.uniform(0, 255, size=(len(model_names), 3)).astype(np.int64)
    def post_process(self, result):
        logits_ = result[:, 4:]
        boxes_ = result[:, :4]
        sorted, indices = torch.sort(logits_.max(1)[0], descending=True)
        return torch.transpose(logits_[0], dim0=0, dim1=1)[indices[0]], torch.transpose(boxes_[0], dim0=0, dim1=1)[indices[0]], xywh2xyxy(torch.transpose(boxes_[0], dim0=0, dim1=1)[indices[0]]).cpu().detach().numpy()
    def draw_detections(self, box, color, name, img):
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = list(map(int, list(box)))
        cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), tuple(int(x) for x in color), 2)
        cv2.putText(img, str(name), (xmin, ymin - 5), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, tuple(int(x) for x in color), 2, lineType=cv2.LINE_AA)
        return img
    def crop(self,box,img):
        xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = list(map(int, list(box)))

        return img[ymin:ymax,xmin:xmax].copy()

    def __call__(self, img_path, save_path):
        # remove dir if exist
        if os.path.exists(save_path):
        # make dir if not exist
        os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True)

        # img process
        image = cv2.imread(img_path)
        img,(wratio,hratio), (dw, dh) = letterbox(image)
        img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        img = np.float32(img) / 255.0
        image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        image = np.float32(image) / 255.0
        tensor = torch.from_numpy(np.transpose(img, axes=[2, 0, 1])).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device)

        # init ActivationsAndGradients
        grads = ActivationsAndGradients(self.model, self.target_layers, reshape_transform=None)

        # get ActivationsAndResult
        result = grads(tensor)
        activations = grads.activations[0].cpu().detach().numpy()

        # postprocess to yolo output
        post_result, pre_post_boxes, post_boxes = self.post_process(result[0])
        for i in trange(int(post_result.size(0) * self.ratio)):
            if float(post_result[i].max()) < self.conf_threshold:

            # get max probability for this prediction
            if self.backward_type == 'class' or self.backward_type == 'all':
                score = post_result[i].max()

            if self.backward_type == 'box' or self.backward_type == 'all':
                for j in range(4):
                    score = pre_post_boxes[i, j]

            # process heatmap
            if self.backward_type == 'class':
                gradients = grads.gradients[0]
            elif self.backward_type == 'box':
                gradients = grads.gradients[0] + grads.gradients[1] + grads.gradients[2] + grads.gradients[3]
                gradients = grads.gradients[0] + grads.gradients[1] + grads.gradients[2] + grads.gradients[3] + grads.gradients[4]
            b, k, u, v = gradients.size()
            weights = self.method.get_cam_weights(self.method, None, None, None, activations, gradients.detach().numpy())
            weights = weights.reshape((b, k, 1, 1))
            saliency_map = np.sum(weights * activations, axis=1)
            saliency_map = np.squeeze(np.maximum(saliency_map, 0))
            saliency_map = cv2.resize(saliency_map, (tensor.size(3), tensor.size(2)))
            saliency_map_min, saliency_map_max = saliency_map.min(), saliency_map.max()
            # 如果不生成图像 注释掉下面两行
            if (saliency_map_max - saliency_map_min) == 0:
            saliency_map = (saliency_map - saliency_map_min) / (saliency_map_max - saliency_map_min)

            saliency_map = cv2.resize(saliency_map[int(dh):-int(dh),:], (image.shape[1],image.shape[0]))
            winv_ratio = 1.0 / wratio
            hinv_ratio = 1.0 / hratio
            det_box_restored = [
                int((post_boxes[i][0] - (dw+0.1)) * winv_ratio),
                int((post_boxes[i][1] - (dh+0.1)) * hinv_ratio),
                int((post_boxes[i][2] - (dw-0.1)) * winv_ratio),
                int((post_boxes[i][3] - (dh-0.1)) * hinv_ratio)
            det_box_restored = [int(coord) for coord in det_box_restored]
            # add heatmap and box to image
            cam_image = show_cam_on_image(image.copy(), saliency_map, use_rgb=True)
            crop_cam_image = self.crop(det_box_restored,cam_image)
            crop_cam_image = Image.fromarray(crop_cam_image)
            cam_image = self.draw_detections(det_box_restored, self.colors[int(post_result[i, :].argmax())], f'{self.model_names[int(post_result[i, :].argmax())]} {float(post_result[i].max()):.2f}', cam_image)
            cam_image = Image.fromarray(cam_image)

def get_params():
    params = {
        'weight': '../runs/detect/my-person73-small/weights/best.pt',
        'cfg': 'models/small-yolov8.yaml',
        'device': 'cuda:0',
        'method': 'GradCAM', # GradCAMPlusPlus, GradCAM, XGradCAM
        'layer': f'model.model[{sys.argv[1]}]',
        'backward_type': 'all', # class, box, all
        'conf_threshold': 0.6, # 0.6
        'ratio': 0.02 # 0.02-0.1
    return params

if __name__ == '__main__':

    model = yolov8_heatmap(**get_params())
    model(r'1.jpg', f'result/{sys.argv[1]}')




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